Friday, January 30, 2009

as tall as a lion

music. i can't really even begin to explain what it means to my life. i survive off of it. for me, music is almost like a living thing. doesn't matter the band, instrument, genre....anything. it's all the same. it's all physical waves hitting my ear drums. in my mind. it's something that can take me away to an entirely different place in an instant. it can talk to me and make me laugh, cry, happy, sad, angry, energetic. it follows me wherever i go. it's always in my mind playing over and over in different variations, different keys, and different patterns. it's something that affects me on another level entirely.

falling in love with a new song is like falling in love with a stranger. it's refreshing and different. it's exciting and you have no idea what to expect. it will take you anywhere it wants to and there is nothing you can do about it.

that's not to say there isn't music i find horribly annoying--but that's part of the fun.

anyway, there is no way i can or will ever be able to write anything that explains my relationship with music. so, i'm going to stop now!

--this week was pretty cool. work was chill. shot two events and i feel they both went pretty well. i'm waiting to hear back from the client of the most recent event...and i really hope she's happy with them as I could tell the pictures were of huge importance to her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey.. just came across your blog in the comments of the "modesty writers guild" 6 word memoir thing. Yours was really impacting... cool stuff. Hey I totally agree with what you said about music! Like your blog... Liz

About Me

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i'm a regular guy living in dc trying to keep as many creative outlets as possible. after all, that's the only thing that separates us from them.
